feedco products
Project Details:
d-Cloprostenol, solution for injection
d-Cloprostenol (sodium salt) 75 μg
d-Cloprostenol is the dextrorotatory enantiomorph of cloprostenol. Various clinical
studies have demonstrated that d-cloprostenol is 3 to 4 times more potent thancloprostenol (racemic mixture). d-Cloprostenol is a functional analogous of
prostaglandin F2α with speci c luteolytic activity. The administration of this product
during luteal cycle phase induces regression of corpus luteum, producing
preconditions for the initiation of physiological functions associated with thedecrease in level of progesterone. One injection of cloprostenol during or after the6th day of the cycle until the moment of natural luteolysis produces an immediate
regression of corpus luteum.
The mechanism of action of d-cloprostenol in controlling ovulation is based on theinduction of luteolysis and the subsequent decrease in concentrations of circulating
progesterone, which produces a series of hormonal and ovary events that
culminates in oestrus and ovulation.”
d-Cloprostenol, solution for injection
d-Cloprostenol (sodium salt) 75 μg d-Cloprostenol is the dextrorotatory enantiomorph of cloprostenol. Various clinical studies have demonstrated that d-cloprostenol is 3 to 4 times more potent than cloprostenol (racemic mixture). d-Cloprostenol is a functional analogous of prostaglandin F2α with speci_c luteolytic activity. The administration of this product during luteal cycle phase induces regression of corpus luteum, producing preconditions for the initiation of physiological functions associated with the decrease in level of progesterone. One injection of cloprostenol during or after the 6th day of the cycle until the moment of natural luteolysis produces an immediate regression of corpus luteum.
The mechanism of action of d-cloprostenol in controlling ovulation is based on theinduction of luteolysis and the subsequent decrease in concentrations of circulating progesterone, which produces a series of hormonal and ovary events that Culminates in oestrus and ovulation.
Sows: Parturition induction, at 112-113 days of gestation.
Cows and Heifers: Induction and Synchronization of oestrus (absence of oestrus
after parturition), coadjuvant treatment of Metritis (chronic endometritis and
pyometritis), Ovarian cyst, Persistent corpus luteum and Abortion induction from 5
to 150 days of gestation.